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Calculus / Syntax trees

module Calculus.SyntaxTree where
import           Calculus.FunExpr
import           Calculus.DifferentialCalc
import           Calculus.IntegralCalc

A fun and useful way to visualize expressions is to model them as trees. In our case we want to model \(FunExpr\) where the nodes and leaves will be our constructors.

In order to do this will import two packages, one for constructing trees and one for pretty printing them.

import           Data.Tree         as T
import           Data.Tree.Pretty  as P

Now we can construct the function that takes a FunExpr and builds a tree from it. Every node is a string representation of the constructor and a list of its sub trees (branches).

makeTree :: FunExpr -> Tree String
makeTree (e1 :+ e2)  = Node "+"    [makeTree e1, makeTree e2]
makeTree (e1 :- e2)  = Node "-"    [makeTree e1, makeTree e2]
makeTree (e1 :* e2)  = Node "*"    [makeTree e1, makeTree e2]
makeTree (e1 :/ e2)  = Node "Div"  [makeTree e1, makeTree e2]
makeTree (e1 :^ e2)  = Node "**"   [makeTree e1, makeTree e2]
makeTree (e1 :. e2)  = Node "o"    [makeTree e1, makeTree e2]
makeTree (D e)       = Node "d/dx" [makeTree e]
makeTree (Delta r e) = Node "Δ"    [makeTree (Const r), makeTree e]
makeTree (I e)       = Node "I"    [makeTree e]
makeTree Id          = Node "Id"   []
makeTree Exp         = Node "Exp"  []
makeTree Log         = Node "Log"  []
makeTree Sin         = Node "Sin"  []
makeTree Cos         = Node "Cos"  []
makeTree Asin        = Node "Asin" []
makeTree Acos        = Node "Acos" []
makeTree (Const num) = Node (show num) [] --(show (floor num)) [] -- | Note the use of floor

Now we construct trees from our expressions but we still need to print them out. For this we’ll use the function drawVerticalTree which does exactly what its name suggests. We can then construct a function to draw expressions.

printExpr :: FunExpr -> IO ()
printExpr = putStrLn . drawVerticalTree . makeTree

Now let’s construct a mildly complicated expression

e = Delta 3 (Delta (negate 5) (I Acos) :. (Acos :* Exp))

And print it out.

ghci > printExpr e
 /           \
 3           o
        /          \
        Δ          *
        |          |
       ----       -----
      /    \     /     \
     -5    I   Acos   Exp

Pretty prints the steps taken when canonifying an expression

prettyCan :: FunExpr -> IO ()
prettyCan e =
  let t  = makeTree e
      e' = canonify e
      t' = makeTree e'
    in if t == t' then putStrLn $ drawVerticalTree t
                  else do
                      putStrLn $ drawVerticalTree t
                      prettyCan e'

Pretty prints syntactic checking of equality

prettyEqual :: FunExpr -> FunExpr -> IO Bool
prettyEqual e1 e2 = if e1 == e2 then
    putStrLn "It's equal!"
    putStrLn $ drawVerticalForest [makeTree e1, makeTree e2]
    return True
  else do
    putStrLn "Not equal -> Simplifying"
    putStrLn $ drawVerticalForest [makeTree e1, makeTree e2]
    let c1 = canonify e1
        c2 = canonify e2
      in if c1 == e1 && c2 == e2 then putStrLn "Can't simplify no more"
                                        >> return False
                                 else prettyEqual c1 c2

Syntactic checking of equality

equal :: FunExpr -> FunExpr -> Bool
equal e1 e2 = (e1 == e2) ||
                 (let c1 = canonify e1
                      c2 = canonify e2
                    in (not (e1 == c1 && c2 == e2) && equal c1 c2))

Parse an expression as a Tree of Strings

Of course this is all bit too verbose, but I’m keeping it that way until every case is covered, Calculus is a bit of a black box for me right now

canonify :: FunExpr -> FunExpr


canonify (e :+ Const 0)       = canonify e
canonify (Const 0 :+ e)       = canonify e
canonify (Const x :+ Const y) = Const (x + y)
canonify (e1 :+ e2)           = canonify e1 :+ canonify e2


canonify (e :- Const 0)       = canonify e
canonify (Const a :- Const b) = Const (a - b)
canonify (e1 :- e2)           = canonify e1 :- canonify e2


canonify (_ :* Const 0)       = Const 0
canonify (Const 0 :* _)       = Const 0
canonify (e :* Const 1)       = canonify e
canonify (Const 1 :* e)       = canonify e
canonify (Const a :* Const b) = Const (a * b)
canonify (e1 :* e2)           = canonify e1 :* canonify e2


canonify (Const a :/ Const b) = Const (a / b)
canonify (e1 :/ e2)           = canonify e1 :/ canonify e2


canonify (Delta r e)            = Delta r $ canonify e


canonify (D e)                = derive e


canonify (e1 :. e2)           = canonify e1 :. canonify e2

Catch all

canonify e                    = e


syntacticProofOfComForMultiplication :: FunExpr -> FunExpr -> IO Bool
syntacticProofOfComForMultiplication e1 e2 = prettyEqual (e1 :* e2) (e2 :* e1)
syntacticProofOfAssocForMultiplication :: FunExpr -> FunExpr -> FunExpr -> IO Bool
syntacticProofOfAssocForMultiplication e1 e2 e3 = prettyEqual (e1 :* (e2 :* e3))
                                                              ((e1 :* e2) :* e3)
syntacticProofOfDistForMultiplication :: FunExpr -> FunExpr -> FunExpr -> IO Bool
syntacticProofOfDistForMultiplication e1 e2 e3 = prettyEqual (e1 :* (e2 :+ e3))
                                                              ((e1 :* e2) :+ (e1 :* e3))
{- syntacticProofOfIdentityForMultiplication :: FunExpr -> IO Bool -}
{- syntacticProofOfIdentityForMultiplication e = -}
{-   putStrLn "[*] Checking right identity" >> -}
{-     prettyEqual e (1 :* e) >> -}
{-       putStrLn "[*] Checking left identity" >> -}
{-         prettyEqual e (e :* 1) -}
{- syntacticProofOfPropertyOf0ForMultiplication :: FunExpr -> IO Bool -}
{- syntacticProofOfPropertyOf0ForMultiplication e = -}
{-   prettyEqual (e :* 0) 0 -}
-- | Fails since default implementation of negate x for Num is 0 - x
{- syntacticProofOfPropertyOfNegationForMultiplication :: FunExpr -> IO Bool -}
{- syntacticProofOfPropertyOfNegationForMultiplication e = -}
{-   prettyEqual (Const (-1) :* e)  (negate e) -}
syntacticProofOfComForAddition :: FunExpr -> FunExpr -> IO Bool
syntacticProofOfComForAddition e1 e2 = prettyEqual (e1 :+ e2) (e2 :+ e1)
syntacticProofOfAssocForAddition :: FunExpr -> FunExpr -> FunExpr -> IO Bool
syntacticProofOfAssocForAddition e1 e2 e3 = prettyEqual (e1 :+ (e2 :+ e3))
                                                        ((e1 :+ e2) :+ e3)
test :: FunExpr -> FunExpr -> IO Bool
test b c = prettyEqual b (a :* c)
    a = b :/ c
syntacticProofOfIdentityForAddition :: FunExpr -> IO Bool
syntacticProofOfIdentityForAddition e = putStrLn "[*] Checking right identity" >>
  prettyEqual e (0 :+ e) >>
    putStrLn "[*] Checking left identity" >>
      prettyEqual e (e :+ 0)

Dummy expressions

e1 = Const 1
e2 = Const 2
e3 = Const 3
e4 = (Const 1 :+ Const 2) :* (Const 3 :+ Const 4)
e5 = (Const 1 :+ Const 2) :* (Const 4 :+ Const 3)
e6 = Const 2 :+ Const 3 :* Const 8 :* Const 19