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Dimensions / Testing of Quantities

Testing of Quantity

module Dimensions.Quantity.Test
    ( runTests
    ) where
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
import Prelude hiding (length, div)
import Test.QuickCheck
import Dimensions.TypeLevel
import Dimensions.Quantity

Quantity consists of a numerical type such as Double and a value-level dimension. Let’s assume Haskell’s implementation of numbers abide the laws. We also know the value-level dimensions abide the laws since since we tested them in a previous section. So what’s there to test now? Well, it’s still useful to test the top-level construct. And error may arise when combing different parts.

So let’s test some things. Due to the type-level dimensions it’s impossible to easily and readably design test for all combinations of dimensions. Hence it’ll have to suffice with only some combinations.

Generating arbitrary quantities

First we need an Arbitrary instance for Quantity d val. For d we’ll mostly use One and for val we’ll exclusively use Double.

type Q d = Quantity d Double

A generator for an arbitrary dimension.

genQuantity :: Quantity d Double -> Gen (Q d)
genQuantity quantity = do
  value <- arbitrary
  return (value # quantity)

And now we make Arbitrary instances of arbitrary selected dimensions in the Quantitys.

instance Arbitrary (Q One) where
 arbitrary = genQuantity one
instance Arbitrary (Q Length) where
  arbitrary = genQuantity length
instance Arbitrary (Q Mass) where
  arbitrary = genQuantity mass
instance Arbitrary (Q Time) where
  arbitrary = genQuantity time

Testing arithmetic properties

On regular numbers, and hence too on quantites with their dimensions, a bunch of properties should hold. The things we test here are

Let’s start!

We could write the type signatures in a general way like

prop_addCom :: Q d -> Q d -> Bool

But we won’t do that since QuickCheck needs concrete types in order to work. So we would have to do a bunch of specialization anyway. And even if we begin with a general signature, we can’t cover all cases since there are infinitly many dimensions.

Instead we’ll pick some arbitrary dimensions that have an Arbitrary instance.

-- a + b = b + a
prop_addCom :: Q Length -> Q Length -> Bool
prop_addCom a b = (a +# b) ~= (b +# a)
-- a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c
prop_addAss :: Q Mass -> Q Mass -> Q Mass -> Bool
prop_addAss a b c = a +# (b +# c) ~= (a +# b) +# c
-- 0 + a = a
prop_addId :: Q Time -> Bool
prop_addId a = zero +# a ~= a
    zero = 0 # a
-- a * b = b * a
prop_mulCom :: Q Length -> Q Mass -> Bool
prop_mulCom a b = a *# b ~= b *# a
-- a * (b * c) = (a * b) * c
prop_mulAss :: Q Time -> Q Length -> Q Mass -> Bool
prop_mulAss a b c = a *# (b *# c) ~=
                    (a *# b) *# c
-- 1 * a = a
prop_mulId :: Q Time -> Bool
prop_mulId a = (1 # one) *# a ~= a
-- a * (b + c) = a * b + a * c
prop_addDistOverMul :: Q Length -> Q Mass -> Q Mass -> Bool
prop_addDistOverMul a b c = a *# (b +# c) ~=
                               a *# b +# a *# c
-- (a + b) - b = a
prop_addSubCancel :: Q Length -> Q Length -> Bool
prop_addSubCancel a b = (a +# b) -# b ~= a
-- (a * b) / b = a
prop_mulDivCancel :: Q Time -> Q Length -> Property
prop_mulDivCancel a b = not (isZero b) ==>
  (a *# b) /# b ~= a
-- sin a * sin a + cos a * cos a = 1
prop_pythagoranIdentity :: Q One -> Bool
prop_pythagoranIdentity a = sinq a *# sinq a +#
                            cosq a *# cosq a ~= (1 # one)