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Dimensions / Testing of value-level dimensions

Testing of value-level dimensions

module Dimensions.ValueLevel.Test
    ( runTests
    ) where

import Prelude hiding (length, div)
import Test.QuickCheck
import Data.List

import Dimensions.ValueLevel

For operations on dimensions, there are a number of laws which should hold. We will here test that the value-level dimensions obey them. One way is to use QuickCheck, which produces lots o’ random test cases.

Generating arbitrary dimensions

The first thing one needs in order to use QuickCheck is an instance of Arbitrary for the data type to be used in the tests. In this case it’s Dim.

An arbitrary example of an Arbitrary instance (get it?) could look like

data IntPair = IntPair (Int, Int)
genIntPair :: Gen IntPair
genIntPair = do
  first  <- arbitrary
  second <- arbitrary
  return $ IntPair (first, second)
instance Arbitrary IntPair where
  arbitrary = genIntPair

Exercise Now try to implement an Arbitrary instance of Dim.


Here’s one way to do it.

Properties for operations on dimensions

Since dimensions are treated just like regular numbers when it comes to multiplication and division, the laws which ought to hold should be pretty clear. It’s the “obvious” laws such as commutativity and so on.

The laws to test are

The implementation of the first law looks like

-- Property: multiplication is commutative
prop_mulCommutative :: Dim -> Dim -> Bool
prop_mulCommutative d1 d2 = d1 `mul` d2 == d2 `mul` d1

Excercise. Implement the rest.


Here’s what the rest could look like.

We should also test the pretty-printer. But just like how that function itself is implemented isn’t interesting, neither is the code testing it. We therefore leave it out.

From this module, we export a function runTests. That function runs all the tests implemented here and is used with Stack.